With the world cup just over, and as the excitement simmers down, we can only start looking forward to the next round of world champions in 4 years time.
I remember chatting about this with a close friend of mine, of where we were and what we were doing 4 years ago.As days go by one by one, we hardly realize just how much has moved and changed in that little space of time.
Most of us has moved from a time when we were all working in the same O&G. 4 years ago, we all thought we would grow at the same firm, but as global views change(nice way to put it), it would seem that now everyone is in a different line.
And personally, there have a been a couple of major changes. One man, my partner in movies and the most honest friend anyone can wish for, had decided to venture on his own. Though it didn’t turn as expected, he is now, I’m happy to say, a man happily engaged to a wonderful girl.
My dear friend Yoda and Geets has both had babies and CHEERS women! To many many more tiny tots!
Someone almost got married. Someone did get married. Someone got a divorce. Lets not dwell on them.
Someone I thought I would never speak to again is now a good friend. That was a shocker. Ka-pow.
And me myself, I had lost a battle when I did not know I was even at war. But the loss has been a wonderful one, for without it, I would not have done all the other colorful things I did(ehem intended).
With the ever crazy bunch- Diplodocus, SIL, and Deviljoe, we have travelled to places we never thought we would set foot in. Adventures within adventures. The Inception of Travel. Good title for a new book.
p.s this is written with the thought of many lives lost in the recent plane crash. 4 years ago, you would have had the same dreams and travelled down those paths too. Rest In Peace.