So we rode down to Port Dickson, a sleepy seaside town this December, with our trusted driver AC and after making a few wrongs turns, found the buggy trek pit stop.Manned by a couple of teenagers, they gave us a short briefing on the hazards of driving the ATV or the buggy dangerously and i do think the instructor enjoyed watching us squirm in our seats when he started telling of some story where a kid flew off his ride and injured his chest. ( don't know the point of his story cos I'm sure none of us looked like some sugar laden young child)
Snickers followed as we tried to get on our buggys and vehicles but when deviljoe got on her ride and sped of, well, like the devil herself, must have gave them something to awe at.
Mama S and I managed 4 rounds on the buggy, which should have been called a bullock jeep instead, judging by the weight of the vehicle and the toughness of turning its steering wheel.a Buffalo's horns would be more easily managed. We had to get off a few times as certain bends on the trek were too sharp for the buggy to take and the drivers need to jump off and push the buggy back and jump back in before an unassuming ATV takes the turn and knocks them over. Unfortunately an ATV had to die on one of those bends too and we had to push the ATV out of the way and pull our buggy onto the main 'road' and after doing this 4 times, my muscles were threatening me that they will leave me and go sit in the van.
OK there weren't any buffaloes but i would have scared them off if there had been
Sustaining a long cut on my left leg, i gave up the ATV to deviljoe(who was waiting patiently at the finishing line) and nothing gave me more joy than to let her ride off with that hair flying behind her and later puncturing the damn tyres.
The teenagers then decided we needed a good show and proceeded to do some 2 wheel driving stunts for us. ....showoffs........

Hungry and tired, we decided to leave the PD town and head out to Seremban(se_ siew pao?-deviljoe-) and feasted on crabs.

By then it was late evening and after a short stop on local delicacy shopping, we tiredly headed back to the city.

happy to be back with my book today...... :) :) :)
wahahaha...se_siew pao..pity ur leg la,looks bad..put up a picture of tht la..get more sympathy..
hhahhaha..looks worse than it actually is la..latest addition to my scars of war..LOL