Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~ George Bernard Shaw~

In view of my recent inactivity here, let me first say I was in no form ignoring my has just simply been a time when its almost impossible to even find the time to finish my Moonstone novel, so much so, that I almost downloaded the movie version instead (gasp!)

And due to the strenous and stressfull and time consuming work I have had, I did indeed ignore a couple of other things. I ignored visiting some good friends(sorry Geets! I owe you tequila shots, big time!) and I ignored my HBO classes. Socialism is something I told myself to never forsake, since I knew someone once who would ignore my messages, only to contact me days later after I had finished running through the obituary column looking for his name. Hence my apologies to whomever I had to cancel out on..

So I made this list..10 things which I think are pretty easy and probably should be ignored and 10 things I think are hard to ignore, lets see:

Ignorable stuff

  1. The consistent nag of someone who you don’t want to hear.
  2. The sampah on the streets that have become such a norm for city living.
  3. The email marked URGENT but it really isnt.
  4. The ringing of the telephone, though that’s debatable looking at the number of people who would rather look at their phones than the people sitting across them
  5. The people sitting across you
  6. The bills
  7. The vaccum cleaner running when you are sleeping in on a Saturday
  8.  The No-U Turn sign- when the road is empty laaa-
  9. The Brain, before you bungee jump
  10. Sales people

And my list of things least likely to be ignored:
  1. The cute guy crossing the street
  2. Johny Depp
  3. Backstreet Boys songs
  4. The smell of the food cooking in the kitchen
  5. Lego on the floor
  6. The cat meow-ing at 2am
  7. The cute handbag crossing the street
  8. Cupcakes
  9.  The coffee machine in the morning
  10. Freebies..come on, we simply sign up for credit cards because of the freebies, otherwise we ignore the sales people completely

But these are mostly material things and one thing we probably should not ignore is people we barely know. Strangers even. As a Mr SS recently mentioned that the highest form of  ignorance is to reject something before you had the chance to get to know it. (And boy. Am I glad for having taking that advice.)

Unless they are sales people, of course. Then sorry, you are in the wrong bucket my friend..